#WhyIJoinedElasticity: Alex Guevara’s Journey on Finding Her Ideal Job
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Hi! My name is Alexandra Guevara, but you can call me Alex. I’m an international student from Panama City, Panama, who recently graduated from Lindenwood University with a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Psychology. 

I have been passionate about marketing since I can remember and I knew that one day I was going to work for a company that showed me the reason why I loved it so much. I was aware that it was not going to be a walk in the park since the competition in the marketing field is very significant. However, this journey was a tad different from what I had imagined when I first got to Missouri. Let me tell you a bit more about how it began.  

It started in March 2020, when my university shut down due to COVID-19. I was two months away from graduating and I had no plan whatsoever. I mean, I had applied for my work authorization and I was an intern in a marketing agency—so I kind of had a plan—but not really. I thought to myself, maybe once my work authorization is approved I would get a job offer for a full-time position at the agency

However, two months went by and nothing had happened with my job offer nor my work authorization. At this point, I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do. My country was completely shut down, so I couldn’t go back home, and I couldn’t stay in the United States without my work authorization. Things were pretty much up in the air. 

A couple of weeks later, my work authorization was approved and I got a job offer from the marketing agency I was working for. This was one of the happiest days of my life since that meant I finally had a plan. I could stay here, work for the agency, get some experience and I wouldn’t have to worry about anything else besides COVID. However, that plan didn’t last long since after only a month of working as a full-time employee, my boss decided that having an international student was a liability for her company. I was let go. 

Once again, I had no plan. Even though I had my work authorization, if I couldn’t find a job within a month, I would lose my work authorization and I would be forced to go back to my country (which I couldn’t, since it still was shut down). 




After panicking for a solid week, a close friend of mine told me that she had been working with an AMAZING company that was looking for a Social Media Care Representative and that I should apply. I started researching the company, and I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT. 

This company was Elasticity, as you may have guessed, and I didn’t think twice before sending an email to Ashton Beck to see if they were still looking for someone to fulfill this position. I was low-key (high-key) stressing out since getting this job meant everything to me. Not only would it allow me to stay in the US, but it was THE JOB for me. I mean, social media and customer service combined? I thought yep, this job is for me! 

After just a couple of hours, Ashton got back to me, and we set a time to have my interview. The interview went great (I believed), but I was still doubting if I would get the job. Three days went by, and I thought, welp, I guess I’m going back to Panama. However, that same day I got the email I had been waiting for, subject line: “ Welcome to Elasticity.” I honestly couldn’t believe it, but I had finally found my ideal job. 

Now that I have gone over my very stressful journey, I would like to express why I joined Elasticity. I chose elasticity because they are not what people would call a “conventional advertising agency.” I mean, they have a panda as their mascot. So yeah, that was it for me. But honestly, I knew that I wanted to work for Elasticity because of the uniqueness, the spirit, and everything the agency represents. I had been looking for a company that fits with me since I graduated and I believe I have finally found it. I will continue to choose Elasticity every day because they took a chance and chose me.

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