A Different Survival Kit
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I have decided to hop on the pandemic bandwagon with my colleagues Alex who shared his survival kit and Chase who shared his. The time has come for a different survival kit from an Elastician. Here’s how I keep from going crazy within the few walls of my apartment. 


#1 Wine, wine, and more wine 

I like to call myself a wine enthusiast. I like sweet and semi-sweet wines and my favorite brand is Stella Rosa Red. As the Elasticity team is working from home during this time, I feel as though I’ve been working more without realizing it. Staring at a screen for hours and hours takes a toll on my eyes. To relax and unwind, I’ll pour a glass and kick my feet up and listen to some music. This offers me a tiny escape from our unbalanced reality.


#2 Udemy and other free courses

Learning never stops with me, I am a lifelong learner. Since I have more time on my hands with the elimination of traffic jams and standing in line for lunch, I have been buying courses on Udemy. This website offers courses in everything from Microsoft Excel to Ethical Hacking. I’ve been interested in motion graphics and forex trading, so I bought a few courses in forex trading, content writing, and adobe essentials. 


In addition to Udemy, there are many colleges and universities (even ivy league schools) offering free courses online. I signed up for a business writing course offered by the University of California, Berkeley. It’s self-paced so there are no awkward discussion boards to post your response and reply to another classmate for me. I will be coming out of quarantine with additional skills to add to my resume. 


#3 Video games

I’m a sports fanatic, I love watching the NBA and NFL. With stay-at-home mandates and COVID-19 precautions, there are no games being played. While the NBA has suspended the season temporarily, the NFL’s time is nearing and they are just all over the place. To fulfill my void for sports, I’ve become a gamer overnight, diving into NBA 2k20, specifically the “MyPlayer” mode. I can play 2k for hours, it has become almost impossible to take my eyes off of the game. Taking my player from college to the NBA, it’s super fun and enjoyable. I’m officially a gamer now. 


This is really just the top part of my survival kit. Disney+ and my new punching bag also keep me occupied with things to do during COVID-19. This time has helped me discover new things that I enjoy doing. Because this is only the start of new things you can explore, anything you’ve done during quarantine, continue to do it. Don’t’ stop watching that show you’re hooked on, don’t stop painting those masterpieces, don’t stop engaging in any activities or learning new skills that you’ve started during the stay-at-home mandates. All of these things can help you be active whether it be physically or mentally, and this can give you something else to do in your leisure. So keep on pressing on!

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