A Marketer's Guide To Supporting Frontline Workers Amidst COVID-19 
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*This post was co-written by Elasticity’s Megan Ryder and Ashton Beck


As the battle of COVID-19 continues to loom across our nation, the brave individuals who are considered essential workers are keeping our country in motion. Now, more than ever is an important time for your brand to think about how to effectively support those in need. 

The month of May offers many opportunities to acknowledge and support front-line workers. Starting off with  National Nurses’ Week (May 6-12) and moving into National EMS Week (May 17-23), there is no better time than the present to act.  

Some brands like MattressFirm (client) and Hilton Hotels have stepped up by offering product giveaways of free pillows or hotel rooms to help healthcare workers. While other brands, like Meals on Wheels, are giving to the COVID-19 Solidarity program developed by the World Health Organization. 

In this new era of change, it’s time for all brands to rethink their marketing strategies and join in the fight. In a recent publication, Twitter surveyed users to learn about their expectations for brands during this time of uncertainty. They found that 82% of respondents said that brands should look to support frontline health staff, where possible. 

So what might this kind of support look like? Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

Food Industry 

  • Prepare healthy meals to deliver to your local hospitals and nursing homes. Many of the frontline individuals are working long shifts and wouldn’t mind a warm meal. 
  • Offer pre-made meal kits to essential workers that can be shipped to their home. Help make it easier for them to take care of their families after a long day at work.

Retail Industry 

  • Offer express shipment on key items for frontline workers. Sometimes time is not of the essence and to get something sooner than expected can make someone’s day.
  • Be on the lookout for opportunities to randomly surprise and delight your consumers of the front line. Send them special care packages to show you care.

Transportation Industry 

  • Not only offer ride-share or free transit to essential workers, but also help with their families. Some may need extra help getting a spouse, sibling or older parent to doctors’ appointments.

Education Industry 

  • Offer virtual training for essential jobs/careers (e.g. CNA, EMT, etc.) to those without jobs to help increase the number of available workers.

Now that you have some ideas it’s time to go back to the drawing board and figure out how your brand will make a difference. And remember, at the end of the day the focus is about helping our communities succeed during and after COVID. 

The challenge has been presented. What will your brand do to give back?

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