Another year. Another HHM
Alex Duplan | VP, Creative Director of Multicultural

Finalmente se puede celebrar como se debe el mes de la Hispanidad. Después de tanta pandemia que fue posponiendo los abrazos, los besos, el compartir con la familia y los amigos. Ojo, no quiere decir que estamos libres del bicho, pero las vacunas y el cuidado nos han hecho regresar un poco al convivio que se vivía antes del COVID 19 y sus variantes.

Y eso está muy bien, pero Hoy quiero celebrar el mes de la Hispanidad reconociendo y recomendando una serie de escritores hispanos que han sido pilares en mi desarrollo personal y profesional. Que durante la pandemia me sacaron a flote. Me ayudaron de alguna forma a llevar la maldita pandemia más tranquilo. Me dieron ideas en qué pensar e historias en qué soñar. Hicieron que el tiempo pandémico se sintiera más corto.

Esos escritores que le han dado la vuelta al mundo con sus historias, opiniones, ideas, propuestas, consejos y mucho más. Esos tipos detrás del teclado o la pluma que imprimen sus sentimientos más profundos y defienden sus ideales a capa y espada. Ellos se lo merecen. Por eso, aquí te pongo una lista interesante. Aclaración, está lista es mía y sólo mía. Puede no gustar y pues lo siento. Aquí va.

El primero es el maestro Galeano. Eduardo Galeano, un uruguayo que vuela muy alto. Activista. Genio. Periodista. Filósofo y amante del fútbol.

Las venas abiertas de América Latina. Open Veins of Latin America. His vision of Latin America. You want to learn about it, this is the book.

Cerrado por el fútbol. Ahora que viene el mundial este libro es imperdible para los que les gusta el deporte más hermoso del planeta.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Colombiano. Novelista de cuentos largos y cortos. Periodista y ganó el premio nobel de literatura. Surrealismo mágico a todo lo que da.

100 años de soledad. One Hundred Years of Solitude. La novela hecha obra maestra. Además perfecta para los largos confinamientos.

El Coronel no tiene quién le escriba. No One Writes to the Colonel. His second novel and is full of injustice and violence.

Jorge Ibargüengoitia. Mexicano cargado de ironía y con una mirada muy única a México y a cómo se vive en México. Fantástico.

Instrucciones para vivir en México. Instructions for how to live in México. Es una inexplicable lógica de cómo se vive en este país.

La ley de Herodes. The Herodes law. Una novela de cuentos que narra con humor situaciones hilarantes y absurdas de la vida cotidiana, con toda la agudeza que lo caracteriza.

Isabel Allende. Peruana pero criada en Chile. Novelista con historias del surrealismo mágico. Una imaginación que te hace volar.

La casa de los espíritus. The house of the Spirits. Story of a very power family tha build an empire ready to collapse.

Guillermo Arriaga. Mexicano. Novelista con historias muy potentes. Vertiginosas. Ha escrito para cine también como Amores Perros, Babel, y varias más.

El Salvaje. The wild. Una historia espectacular que envuelve fanatismo y venganza, una combinación perfecta.

Salvar el Fuego. Saving Fire. Una novela de amor y rabia que se vive en Un México muy dividido. Is so good.

Esta es una pequeña lista para celebrar a la literatura Hispana en este mes de la Hispanidad. Pequeña pero grande en contenido. Hay muchos autores y una gran cantidad de historias escritas por Hispanos que van más allá de lo típico. Si pueden, comenten si han leído algo de lo que recomiendo. Feliz mes de la Hispanidad.



Another year, another HHM.

Finally, Hispanic Heritage month can be celebrated properly. After the pandemic hit, hugs, kisses and close contact with family and friends had to be postponed. And while we are not free of the bug, vaccines and protocols have helped us return somewhat to the coexistence from before COVID-19 and its variants.

And that’s great, but today, I want to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month by recognizing and recommending a series of Hispanic writers who have been pillars in my personal and professional development. Writers who lifted my spirits, helped me relax and gave me something to dream about through their ideas and stories that ultimately made the time during the pandemic feel shorter.

These writers and their works have traveled around the world sharing their stories, opinions, ideas, proposals, advice and much more. Behind keyboards or pens, they’ve printed their deepest feelings and have defended their ideals through thick and thin. And their success is well deserved.

And so, I decided to list them here as a tribute to the impression they made on me. It’s a personal list, and you may not agree, but I hope they may inspire you as well.

The first is the masterful Eduardo Galeano, a Uruguayan who flies very high. Activist. Genius. Journalist. Philosopher and soccer lover. Check out his book, Open Veins of Latin America (Spanish: Las venas abiertas de América Latina). If you want to learn the history of Latin America through the vision of one who knows it well, this is the book for you. And while it hasn’t been translated into English, Closed For Football (Spanish: Cerrado por fútbol) is a must for those who like the most beautiful sport on the planet.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Colombian. Novelist of long and short stories. Journalist and winner of the Nobel Prize for literature. Master of magical surrealism. If you have a lot of time on your hands, I’d suggest his masterpiece novel One Hundred Years of Solitude (Spanish: Cien años de soledad). I’d also recommend his second novel, No One Writes to the Colonel (Spanish: El Coronel no Tiene Quien le Escriba) for a tale full of injustice and violence.

Jorge Ibargüengoitia. Mexican. Loaded with irony and has a very unique perspective on Mexico and how people live in Mexico. Fantastic. If you can read Spanish, please read Instructions for how to live in Mexico (Spanish: Instructions for how to live in Mexico.) to learn the inexplicable logic of how people live in this country. And then look into Herod’s Law (Spanish: La Ley de Herodes) for a novel of stories that humorously narrates hilarious and absurd situations of everyday life, with all the sharpness that characterizes it.

Isabel Allende. Peruvian but raised in Chile. Novelist with stories of magical surrealism. An imagination that makes you feel like you’re flying. Her work, The House of the Spirits (Spanish: La Casa de los Espíritus) is the story of a very powerful family whose empire is on the verge of collapse.

Guillermo Arriaga. Mexican. Contemporary novelist with very powerful stories. Dizzying. He has also written for cinema, including such works as Amores Perros, Babel, and several others. For his literary fare, look into the Spanish-only The Savage (Spanish: El Salvaje). A spectacular story that involves fanaticism and revenge, a perfect combination. And for more, seek out the similarly Spanish-only Saving the Fire (Spanish: Salvar el Fuego): A novel of love and rage set in a very divided Mexico. It is so good.

And there you have it: A small list to celebrate Hispanic literature in this Hispanic Heritage month. Small in size, but big in content. There are many authors and a large number of stories written by Hispanics that go beyond the typical. Let me know if you’ve read any of the ones I’ve recommended above. Or add your own personal favorite stories by Hispanic authors. Happy Hispanic month.

Alex Duplan
Alex is a recognized multicultural marketing thought leader who directs the Elasticity Multicultural practice group from the agency’s Dallas-area offices. This Mexico City native has built up two decades of experience with leading agencies, such as Ogilvy México (in Mexico City), Dieste (in Dallas) and Richards/Lerma (also in Dallas), and Alex has led integrated multicultural marketing initiatives for brands including Kraft Foods, Pepsi, Levi’s, Pizza Hut, HBO, Hershey’s, Avocados From Mexico, Jose Cuervo, Nissan, Bud Light, Budweiser Chelada, Duracell, Procter & Gamble, Gatorade, Mattel, Dr. Pepper and countless others. Nominated in 2005 as best creative director in the U.S., his award-winning international work — which has garnered FIAPs, Clios, honors from the New York Festival and accolades from the London International Awards, to name just a few — stems from his breadth of experience across all aspects of multichannel marketing. With experience in developing campaigns that integrate digital strategy and social media, direct mail, activations, promotions, TV broadcast, radio, print and content creation, Alex knows more than just how to translate content to reach a multicultural audience; he knows how to decode it, making sure every nuance is translated well and authentically. Check out some of Alex’s work here: Social Cup 0909 MetroPCS Levi’s
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