I am a fan of H&R Block. It’s not because of their products, service or technology as I’ve actually never used their tax preparation services. I’m...
Integrated communications firm Elasticity (GoElastic.com) — which works with brands and organizations including Fireball Whisky, Cox Communications, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, the State of Missouri, the U.S....
Facebook Live is quickly becoming the mechanism du jour of the social media set. Snapchat is still all the rave. Podcasting’s second surge seems to...
My favorite report ever on “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” was a story by Jason Jones about the New York Times in which he asks executive...
Editor’s Note: This is a revised version of Jason’s 2015 Marketing Pricing Guide originally published on his website. A small business owner I spoke with...
Seven years ago this week, along with colleagues Dan Callahan and Brian Cross, I gambled on my family’s livelihood and left a stable position at FleishmanHillard...
We’re knee deep in a fairly significant research project for our client, Red e App. It’s an internal communications platform that serves enterprise companies that...
OK, if this topic makes you want to run for the hills and forget everything your English teacher once taught you, I get it....
Social media and marketing news outlets are littered with articles (Forbes, Ad Age, Social Times) about the demise of organic reach and the need for...
Great content marketing is like a magnet. It sucks people in. Something about it gets the initial attention, then as the audience bites off a...
I love Applebee’s. Always have since moving to the USA, and experiencing the largest nachos I had ever seen at that point in time and...
Note: Snow and/or significant ice is predicted for metro-St. Louis. Thus Elasticity is instituting its Inclement Weather Policy as stated below: If bad weather has been forecasted...